Battle Mountain with Graeme Obree
May the 4th is traditionally Star Wars Day. However, in Lincoln, it became Obree day thanks to our latest Bike Night event. We showed the film Battle Mountain and were joined by the star of the film, the flying Scotsman himself, Graeme Obree who topped the evening off with a fantastic Q&A session.
Another good turn out of over 100 enthusiasts and a really exciting film, alot of people commented it was one of the best Bike Nights yet, plus Graeme telling the audience that…
“You are the most important peer group I’ve spoken to”
Praise indeed for our ever attentive and inquisitive audience. The evening was topped off with the ever popular Bike night raffle with prizes from Velobici, Ellmore Clothing and Tri Up Cycle Designs as well as Graeme bringing along “The Beastie” for people to “try out!”